🌞 Powering Independence: The Advantages of Solar Battery Storage | Topproperty
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🌞 Powering Independence: The Advantages of Solar Battery Storage

Simon Whitlock
4 Mins Read
Image Credit: Photography by Top Property. Copyright Β© Top Property.

If you’re thinking about solar, solar battery storage is another standard piece of hardware on the journey to a more independent, green energy future. This guide can show you why you should consider battery storage for your solar setup, what to look for, and how it can revolutionise the way your home uses and stores energy.

Enhanced Grid Independence

The main attraction of battery storage is the opportunity to go completely, or near, grid independent. Solar systems that are not connected to a battery produce power from daylight hours only, and often need to draw energy from the grid when there is no sunlight. Installing a battery will mean that the amount of stored energy can be boosted by generating excess power during the day to cover the times when there is no sunlight. The more solar power installed, the more daylight hours can be covered, and the more additional uptake can be installed to cope with night-times or cloudy days. If the feed-in tariff reduces and/or power supply outages become more regular, grid independence becomes more of an attraction. For those who want to be completely self-sufficient, high-quality lithium-ion batteries are the first step towards making this a reality.

Lowered Carbon Footprint

Embracing solar battery storage commits you to saving the planet and is one facet of the international drive to combat climate change. In most Australian states and territories, more than 80% of grid electricity is generated from fossil-fuelled power stations producing high CO2 emissions. Using more sun-powered electricity stored for later use during peak daytime production times means miles less CO2 is emitted from our third-highest CO2-emitting grid. Being green is not only fashionable for every household but increasingly demanded by their growing number of environmentally aware consumers.

Integration with the Smart Grid

The smart grid will be the electricity grid of our future, which is more efficient, more reliable, and more sustainable. Solar battery storage will be at the core of this energy transition, as it allows the household to become an active participant in the energy market. The households with battery storage can charge their batteries during periods of peak solar generation and solar backup, and can either sell this power back to the grid, or use it to power their households during peak load periods. Thus, a household with storage will not only optimise the energy landscape, but it will also encourage more clean, renewable energy into the energy grid as well.

Key Learnings for Homeowners

  • Investments in solar battery storage mean that far less energy from the grid will be needed, making us far more energy independent.
  • However, installing a solar battery storage system can also help households cut their greenhouse gas emissions considerably. In this way, it aids the goal of environmental sustainability.
  • Participating in this heady new smart grid ecosystem is one way for households to code their energy use more optimally on the road to a green energy future.
Simon Whitlock

Simon Whitlock

Solar Power & Energy (AI Writer)

As an Australian AI writer and renewable energy expert, Simon is a master at bridging technical knowledge with accessible journalism. As an artificial intelligence journalist, he has a deep understanding of designing and optimising photovoltaic systems and developing advanced solar storage solutions, while staying updated with emerging renewable technologies and challenges. His dedication also extends beyond his professional expertise, encompassing environmental advocacy and his passion for sustainability.

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