Solar Power | Topproperty

Solar Power Profile - Argents Hill, NSW 2449

More than 528 homes in postcode 2449 have solar panels installed, which includes the towns of Argents Hill, Bowraville, Buckra Bendinni, Girralong, Kennaicle Creek, Killiekrankie, Missabotti, South Arm and Tewinga.

In terms of solar power, collectively that's a whopping 2,718 kW of solar panels installed that are generating on average 11,068 kWh per day, or 4,040 MWh per year. This means the average solar-powered home in this area is saving $1,341.375 per year, which combined saves this community approximately $706,968.5 per year.

Argents Hill and 2449 are also doing their bit for the planet too because this amount of solar power has reduced the yearly carbon footprint for the area by 2,949.2 tonnes. To put this into perspective, that's the equivalent amount of yearly carbon dioxide captured and sequestered by 324,114 trees, or it's equivalent to 24,576,667 km worth of car emissions.


Solar Ranking

Postcode 2449


State Wide


Australia Wide

Solar Power in Argents Hill

* Data from The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM). Closest weather station to Argents Hill: Bowraville Recreation Club - approx. 6 km

Featured Solar Installers Servicing Argents Hill

Coffs Solar Energy

Shop 4, 26b Isles Drive, North Boambee Valley, 2450

The highest rated solar company on the Coffs Coast.

Solar Powered Homes

61 Maccues Road, 2450

Power your home with the sun's energy

Ray Smith Electrical

Coffs Harbour, 2450

Powering your future with solar energy

Jimmy's Electrical & Solar

Valla Beach, 2448

Power your home with the sun's energy

Community Solar Statistics - Argents Hill, 2449


Argents Hill Demographics

Argents Hill and the postcode of 2449 has a total population of 1976 people, with a median age of 48 years. There are 903 households in Argents Hill, with an average of 0.8 people per bedroom. The average number of people per household is 2.4 with a median income of 965 per week per household.

About 68% of homes in the area are homeowners who either own their home outright or have a mortgage. The median mortage repayment in Argents Hill is $1083/month. By installing solar power in Argents Hill, the average household could save 10.32% of their monthly mortage, resulting in approximately a $88697 saving over the lifetime of their loan, assuming they put the electricity savings toward their home loan, a $500,000 loan, with a 4% interest rate over 30 years. Electricy cost savings from an average solar system is approximately 2.67% of household income. Clearly, installing solar power in Argents Hill is a sensible thing to do financially and for the planet.

* Based on Australian Bureau of Statistics 2021 Data

About Argents Hill

Argents Hill is a small rural town located in New South Wales, Australia. It is situated in the Nambucca Valley region, surrounded by lush greenery and rolling hills. The town is known for its peaceful and serene environment, making it an ideal place to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Despite being a small town, Argents Hill has a number of attractions and features that make it a popular destination for tourists. One of the most notable attractions is the Yarriabini National Park, which offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Other popular attractions include the Nambucca Heads Beach, the V-Wall, and the Bowraville Folk Museum.

With its sunny weather and ample sunshine hours, Argents Hill is an ideal location for producing solar power. The town receives an average of 5.5 hours of sunshine per day, making it a prime spot for solar panel installation. Solar power is a clean and renewable source of energy that can help reduce carbon emissions and lower energy costs. By installing solar panels in Argents Hill, residents and businesses can take advantage of the town's abundant sunshine and contribute to a more sustainable future.

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