Solar Power | Topproperty

Solar Power Profile - Addington, VIC 3352

More than 2998 homes in postcode 3352 have solar panels installed, which includes the towns of Addington, Ballarat Roadside Delivery, Dean, Scotchmans Lead, Windermere, Barkstead, Blowhard, Bolwarrah, Bonshaw, Brewster, Bullarook, Bungaree, Bunkers Hill, Burrumbeet, Cambrian Hill, Cardigan, Cardigan Village, Chapel Flat, Clarendon, Claretown, Clarkes Hill, Corindhap, Dereel, Dunnstown, Durham Lead, Enfield, Ercildoune, Garibaldi, Glen Park, Glenbrae, Gong Gong, Grenville, Invermay, Lal Lal, Lamplough, Langi Kal Kal, Learmonth, Leigh Creek, Lexton, Magpie, Millbrook, Miners Rest, Mitchell Park, Mollongghip, Mount Bolton, Mount Egerton, Mount Mercer, Mount Mitchell, Mount Rowan, Napoleons, Navigators, Pootilla, Scotsburn, Springbank, Sulky, Wallace, Warrenheip, Wattle Flat, Waubra, Weatherboard, Werneth and Yendon.

In terms of solar power, collectively that's a whopping 19,537 kW of solar panels installed that are generating on average 74,448 kWh per day, or 27,174 MWh per year. This means the average solar-powered home in this area is saving $1,596.875 per year, which combined saves this community approximately $4,755,366 per year.

Addington and 3352 are also doing their bit for the planet too because this amount of solar power has reduced the yearly carbon footprint for the area by 22,554.42 tonnes. To put this into perspective, that's the equivalent amount of yearly carbon dioxide captured and sequestered by 324,114 trees, or it's equivalent to 187,953,500 km worth of car emissions.


Solar Ranking

Postcode 3352


State Wide


Australia Wide

Solar Power in Addington

* Data from The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM). Closest weather station to Addington: Addington - approx. 3.7 km

Featured Solar Installers Servicing Addington

Ballarat Solar & Electrical

14 Icon Drive, 3356

Solar power specialists for the Ballarat region.

Ballarat Solar Company

Shed 12/102 Fussell Street, 3350

Clean Energy Council Approved Solar Retailer.

Central Spark Victoria

105 Fords Road, 3451

Clean Energy Council Approved Solar Retailer.

Community Solar Statistics - Addington, 3352


Addington Demographics

Addington and the postcode of 3352 has a total population of 17515 people, with a median age of 40 years. There are 7012 households in Addington, with an average of 0.8 people per bedroom. The average number of people per household is 2.8 with a median income of 1858 per week per household.

About 79% of homes in the area are homeowners who either own their home outright or have a mortgage. The median mortage repayment in Addington is $1600/month. By installing solar power in Addington, the average household could save 8.32% of their monthly mortage, resulting in approximately a $71472 saving over the lifetime of their loan, assuming they put the electricity savings toward their home loan, a $500,000 loan, with a 4% interest rate over 30 years. Electricy cost savings from an average solar system is approximately 1.65% of household income. Clearly, installing solar power in Addington is a sensible thing to do financially and for the planet.

* Based on Australian Bureau of Statistics 2021 Data

About Addington

Located in Victoria, Australia, Addington VIC 3352 is a small town with a population of just over 200 people. Despite its size, Addington has a lot to offer visitors and residents alike. The town is surrounded by beautiful natural scenery, including the nearby Mount Beckworth and Mount Cole State Forest. These mountain ranges provide the perfect backdrop for hiking, camping, and other outdoor activities.

When it comes to solar power, Addington is an ideal location. The town enjoys plenty of sunshine throughout the year, with an average of 5-6 hours of sunlight per day. This makes it an excellent place to install solar panels and take advantage of the many benefits of renewable energy. With the help of local solar installers, residents can reduce their carbon footprint and save money on their energy bills.

One of the main benefits of solar power in Addington is the potential for high solar yields. By installing solar panels at the optimal angle and orientation, residents can generate a significant amount of electricity from the sun. Additionally, the town's relatively low levels of shading make it easier to achieve maximum solar output. Overall, Addington is a great place to embrace solar power and take advantage of the many benefits of renewable energy.

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